This time I present to you a defragmentation utility. Formerly known as Jkdefrag, this app has been vastly improved with the addition of scripting.
You can now select the defrag and optimization rules from a simple GUI instead of having to rely on the command line. The disk drive is presented in a slightly odd way, with a barebones interface that shows the drive's contents from end to beginning. It comes with scripts to allow you to analyze a drive, defragment or optimize it (choosing either system disk or data disk as the type of contents of the partition).
The nicest part is that you can write-up your own scripts to make it optimize your drive the way that best suits you. You have plenty of document on the official website, and the forum consists of members posting their own scripts or helping you with yours.
Some say that with the computers people have today defragmentation no longer makes a noticeable difference on a system, but I've always felt that it doesn't hurt it, either.
An important note of interest though: Never defragment a flash-based memory drive, such as an SSD drive, flash drive or memory card (so that rules out MP3 players and iPods, cameras, etc.) Because it will quickly wear them out, leaving you on the losing end.