Sunday, May 1, 2011

Review - Grooveshark

I found this site a short while ago and must say that I've been hooked ever since.

Using a browser that supports HTML5 (such as the previously reviewed Chromium) you have access to an on-demand streaming music service.  Contrary to another one of my favorites, Shoutcast, Grooveshark has not only a couple of streaming stations, but a vast library that you can listen to by searching for artists and song titles.

The songs load quickly so you'll be listening to your favorite tunes in no time.  Try typing in some obscure one hit wonder from years ago and you will most likely find it.  I've read that since it is managed by users some of the songs will be of lesser quality, but those I've played so far sounded great to me.

So the next time you're relaxing around your home or working on the computer, why not stream a few tunes to pass the time?  Like they said during Intermission: "Music soothes even the savage beast".





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